Survivor’s quilt

By lex, on October 25th, 2007

Been a bit at sixes and sevens lately, catching up on work – the boss was right, it didn’t go anywhere – and not having much time or frankly enthusiasm for buckling on the old armor and wading back into the fray.

Took the motorcycle to work yesterday and today, thinking that traffic might be tangled but I guess there are still too many folks hunkered down or straggling back to make the usual morning knife fight worth the candle. We’re pretty much at half-staff here on base, which realization made those who had shown up to work rather sulky. I thought I’d sneak off an hour early or so, which thought apparently came to the rest of us since the traffic leaving the island was slowed to a standstill. That’s when owning a motorcycle really comes in handy. Some folks seem to resent it when you lane split up to the stop light – I guess it’s that whole “fairness versus freedom” thing, writ small.

The Kat is a smart kid – the other day when I was walking around taking photographs of all our earthlies before we bugged out she sussed out the purpose right away: “For the insurance, right?” Right she was, too. I discovered afterwards that she had taken some pictures of her own – her equestrian competition ribbons.

Could’ve made room for those. Made room for those logbooks.

The kids had never seen my office before spending the night on its floor, and I think they got a kick out of it. The Biscuit sat at my desk and then spun around to see… herself. I’ve got pictures of the three of them there behind my desk to remind me of the important things. A fact I don’t know that they suspected. I think they we’re privately pleased even though the girls made a show of giving each other a hard time, saying that the other’s picture was not a particularly good representation, sorry.

I think they’re all beautiful.

Seems hard that the east county folks have gotten hit so hard, while those of us closer to the coast have once again dodged the bullet. In the nature of things in San Diego County you can either pay a very great deal of money to live cheek-by-jowl with neighbors you rarely speak to by the coast or pay a very great deal less for the same sized squat to move inland a bit. If you’re not Rancho Santa Fe wealthy but like the lifestyle you can even move up into the hills and spread out a bit – land and a rambler. Being away from the ocean, it’s hotter there in the summer time, and the I-15 rush hour traffic makes the Five look like child’s play. But without being cheap, it’s certainly a good deal cheaper.

At least until the fires come.

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