Monthly Archives: May 2023

Jason Redman – An Inspiration

Today I was driving and turned on SiriusXM to hear Megyn Kelly interview a remarkable individual. The interview was so riveting that even when my errand was done, I parked in the shade to hear the rest of it.

Jason is a former Navy SEAL with quite a story of resilience, and an ability to overcome many obstacles that would sink many of us.

Because of his small stature, people tried to discourage him, including a Navy recruiter, of even becoming a SEAL. A second recruiter sometime later encouraged him to tryout.

From the time of WW2, the attrition rate for SEAL candidates (and their predecessors the UDTs) – has been a near constant 75%. Of every 4 who start the class, 3 will have dropped out by graduation. Jason talks a bit about the infamous “Hell Week“, and how that forces so many to quit.

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