Cause of USS Fitzgerald Collision?

According to Robert McCain the 2 officers who should have easily kept her out of harm’s way weren’t speaking to each other.

During the early weeks after the USS Fitzgerald was speared by a lumbering Philippine container ship, it was noteworthy that the captain and a couple of admirals were publically named, but not the actual officer in charge, the officer of the deck. (OOD) The other person who should have kept the Fitz out of trouble is the person in charge of the combat information center, the Tactical Action Officer. That individual is supposed to be monitoring the combat radar, which can detect a swimmer at a distance of two miles.
Not until a year later, when the final reports are made public and the guilty parties have been court-martialed, does the truth come out. The OOD was named Sarah, and the Tactical Action Officer was named Natalie, and they weren’t speaking to each other!!! The Tactical Action Officer would normally be in near constant communication with the OOD, but there is no record of any communication between them that entire shift!

Quite an article – and simply for the sake of “gender integration” are the standards being lowered? And senior officers “knowing their promotions may hinge on enthusiastic support for “gender integration,” are reluctant to enforce standards for the women under their command.“?

Standards are there for a reason.

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One response to “Cause of USS Fitzgerald Collision?

  1. Standards have been lowered everywhere in the military the civilian suits have said they want women. Susan Keating reported on the lowering of standards at Ranger School, and was heaped with scorn for telling the truth.

    The names of the CICWO and the OOD on the Fitz were withheld for a long time to cover up their sex.The military is steadily being denigrated by lowering standards to get women everywhere the Feminazis want them.

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