
Most Lexicans know that among Lex’s favorite duty stations was NAS Key West, FL, home of VF-45, the East Coast dedicated Adversary squadron. VF-45 provided services with a variety of jets to imitate likely threat aircraft (such as MiGs of various sorts, and Mirage’s as well) that USN/USMC pilots might encounter.

Here’s a sampling of the three primary aircraft VF-45 operated there, the A-4 Skyhawk, the F-16 Viper, and the F-5 Tiger II.

Update:  Here’s a (somewhat crude) profile of an A-4E in VF-45 colors…if you look real hard at the canopy rail you’ll see Lex’s name (well, probably too small to see at this scale, but trust me, it’s there).  — RJL


Filed under Airplanes

17 responses to “VF-45

  1. I’m an Army guy, I can git the ‘knees in the breeze’ stuff, but this is relatively new to me. And good. Thanks for shedding some light on this aspect of his life, and NavAir in general.


  2. NaCly Dog

    Lex’s great strength was in telling stories. He would tell a story about something he was doing that illuminated greater truths.

    I’ll put one together about Naval Aviators in the wardroom. I’ve got a few chores to finish first.

    How about your stories, the ones you tell over lunch or dinner with friends.
    Greater truths / sea stories optional.

  3. aniemyer

    Nice to see us starting out. Nice job to keep ’em flyin’

  4. wingwifeusmc

    Thank you for doing this.

  5. oldafsarge

    Hhhm, both Big Time and the WSO have been to Key West. They never actually talked about flying. As I rightly recall, all their stories revolved around consuming adult beverages. Interesting, I need to talk with those kids!

  6. xbradtc

    I fished you out of the spambucket, and resent the invite.

    And as a long time reader of YOUR blog, which I most heartily recommend to all Lexicans, I can’t imagine not having you here.

  7. there I stood

    I am a Lexican….didn’t realize that until a few days ago. My husband flew, and living with someone who flies, you are always a part of it. During flight school, I could probably do the BOLD FACE as well as he, but I wasn’t up there. We all play our parts. Lex was just so eloquent at it….wish I’d met him. What a joy that would have been.

  8. Stumbled in

    xbradtc, thanks. VF-45 was where I served with Lex back in the day. A long time ago.

  9. wingwifeusmc

    For a long moment I tried to figure out what you resented about my invite–especially since I couldn’t remember inviting you anywhere…

  10. I served with “Lex” in VF-45 1991-1994.

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